Packaging Guide:
- There are two counterfeit boxes for counterfeit Red Alert - version 1 (v1) and version 2 (v2).
- Both versions of the counterfeit boxes replace fire chiefs car with Race Car.
- On the underside of the box the figure in car mode has its right rear corner cut off on a gridline.
- The grey grid lines in the background are thicker (like you see on most of the counterfeits).
- "Transforms from [...]" and "Autobot Warrior" are the wrong fonts
Figure and Paperwork Guide:
- Looking through the windscreen the KO has silver screws, they should be black.
- Instructions - the KO coloring is more peach than the pale red on the figure.
- There are two sticker sheets included with the KO, stickers that should be factory applied and also a sheet with a 91 on it.