

Packaging Guide

There are two versions of counterfeit packaging for Wheeljack, version 1(v1)and version 2 (v2).

  • The v1 box has a full stop instead of a colon after Ages
  • See e3nine's guide for more details regarding v1 box differences.
  • The v2 box has corrected the missing colon and also very slightly re-positioned the artwork down and to the right. Wheeljacks shoulder missile is no longer crossing the top gridline.
  • The v2 box "transforms from race car....." text box now stretches 13 grid squares, it should only be 12.
  • The v2 box the sunburst is extra yellow the gridlines are non existent through it, it also now covers the lower half of the grey border between the art and the window.
  • Tech specs - v2 box describes his function as "Mechanical Engineerp".

Figure Guide:


  • Early runs of the figures in the v1 box did not have the 539 sticker pre applied, later runs and figures in the v2 box did. The 539 on the is thinner compared to the original.
  • Early runs also have problems with the legs locking in place. Later runs don't have this problem.
  • Manufacturing stamp, the counterfeit has the Takara stamp along bottom of the vehicle underside, this stamp has more thicker/bolder text than the original version it was copied from, if unsure check the screw heads, if they are flat and fit well they are original, if they are convex/curved then it will be the counterfeit (note Wheeljack any figure that has both takara and hasbro in the manufacturing stamp is original g1) see the AC Toys photos below.
  • Sticker sheets - Have too much space between N and C in LANCIA.
  • There are two versions of the counterfeit instructions, both have positioning issues while the v2 (pictured above) also has the bright sunburst.

The below photos were saved from AC Toys before the links were broken. Many thanks to the original creator.

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