Packaging Guide - Individual Figures
- Individual packaged (Boxed/Carded) figures appeared in 2020, they had also been sold without packaging previously.
- Hotspot
- Missing gridlines around the blaster - See image above
- Blades, First Aid, Groove, Streetwise
- The four carded protectobots are carded on the "Prizes in disguise" card. There is no reflective iron-on packaged with the figure.*
- The hole punch is too far left, it should be above the 'NS', these counterfeit cards have it above the 'AN' The orange background for the footer and the figure image is a deep orange.
- Similar yellow sunburst issues to previous KO's - the fade out is too sudden. Gridlines are hard to see in sunburst.
- Back of the cards - the sunburst is too small with little fade in the tech specs image.
- Robot points - The 1/2 Robot points and Autobot image is too small.
- Defensor Instruction sheet - indistinguishable from original, it is the made in japan(1985) print rather than the made in macau 1986).
- Blades - Reverse of card - Instructions panel, the figures line art is positioned too low, his feet are cut off by the yellow title bar below.
- First Aid - Reverse of card - The Set Includes instruction panel, Decrystallizer is spelt Decrystallizrr. Quite often First Aid is packaged with Grooves small gun.
- * NB - Be aware of Kmart stickers being placed on counterfeit protectobot cards, due to both the card and bubble being available separately, reseals have appeared with what appears to be a iron on patch!
- Sheet Instructions to create Defensor
- The instructions are a copy of the made in Japan instructions.
- They have an issue where the front right corner of hotspot has been cut -
see comparison
Figure and Accessory Guide
- First Aid
- Manufacturing stamp is upside down and incorrect -
see comparison
- Metal Chest version, the metal is a bright red rather than the correct maroon red color -
see comparison
- Does not have the factory applied Autobot sticker on his roof, it is not included with the figure either (individually packaged)
- Sticker Sheet - is very similar to the original, however the door handles should be red, they are sliver on the counterfeit.
- Large Gun Comparison - On underside additional mold circles can be seen
see comparison
- Groove
- Small Gun Comparison - Poorly defined details on the counterfeit, the sight is also a different shape.
see comparison
The images below were saved from AC Toys before they stopped hosting counterfeit images.