Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime

Packaging Guide:


  • Optimus prime box has been reproduced 3 times - version 1 (v1), version 2 (v2) and version 3 (v3).
  • The grey border line showing above the trailer's window is probably the most obvious tell.
  • On the v1 box the border is quite thick
  • On the v2 and v3 box it is thinner, similar to the original 1986 European quad-lingual box, which does have a thin grey border around the entirety of the window. 
  • On the v1 and v2 box it has an error with a fullstop instead of a colon after AGES. This has been corrected on the v3 box.
  • The autobot symbol is directly above the 'M' it should be towards the left of the 'M' also over the right of the 'R'.
  • The ® symbol is floating too high away from the S.
  • Similar to reflector the styrofoam is poor quality, the toy is usually a tight fit in the styrofoam so its easily damaged. The styrofoam is always the arched version (4 arch's on the bottom, also seen from the back), there is also no finger space between the trailer and the storage section.
  • Instructions have also had two versions - v1 was the R version, the top three grid rows should be black, on this counterfeit it still has the sunburst fading out on the third row down (see next to primes left upper arm). While v2 is the TM version, the grid is too dark and the word THE appears too far away from the The character art is slightly misplaced, the back of his left shoulder should break the gridline.
  • ACToys Optimus prime guide (v1 box), also features photos from e3nine. (photos no longer visible on TFW).


Figure and Accessory Guide:


  • There are two molds used for counterfeit Prime cabs - Mold 1 appears in v1 and v2 boxes while mold 2 in v3 boxes.
  • Missing factory applied sticker on the cab, this is included in the KO's accessory bag.
  • The silver on primes forehead is poorly applied on early counterfeits and the diecast cab is a lighter red than the plastic. The v2 counterfeit cabs also have no join line on the back of his upper legs (chrome section).
  • There is no screw hole in the cab roof - to attach the head (usually covered by the rubsign - v3 primes. )
  • Color variants: Normal, Black, Clear, Red Feet version, Gold Chrome instead of Silver Chrome version
  • Subtle variants: Blue eyes/Blue window (first release) vs Yellow eyes/Clear window (later releases).
  • Early v1/v2 boxed primes came with 2 blasters.
  • V3 box Primes came with a 6 missile tree opposed to the regular 4 missiles.


Trailer Guide:


  • There are three counterfeit Optimus Prime G1 Trailers. v1 - stamped "Made in France", v2 and v3 are both stamped "Made in Japan".
  • All trailers stamped "Made in Japan" are counterfeits.
  • All counterfeit trailers have T2 in the hitch. That does not mean mean ALL T2 trailers are counterfeit! (See our trailer guide)
  • Genuine vintage "Made in France" (ceji) Optimus Primes are relatively common in the UK and New Zealand due to Hasbro needing additional stock to fill demand.  Real ceji trailers are also prone to fading.
  • It appears this ceji mold was first used for the trailers as v1 and v2 trailers also have the number 3 stamped in various locations (sides, ramp, robot arm, radar), the gold box classics and chinese released prime also share this stamping.
  • Counterfeit trailers have different circular mold imprints under the trailer - hold the trailer with copyright text right way up -
  • At the top v1 and v2 counterfeit trailers have a large circle either side of the central black trailer base, the pair of circles below that will be the same size as the top pair. On originals the second pair of circles is about half the size. This is also true for the v3 trailer, but they have an additional large circle that is 5/8's visible. See #1 on image below for the circle that should be half the size.
  • The v3 trailers are missing a circular imprint on the raised rectangle and the hinge molding extends right to the top/end of the trailer. See #2 and #3 on image.
  • The v3 trailers also have 7 circle mold imprints on the inside of each trailer side. Original trailers have 6.
Click to enlarge (with complete trailer guide).
  • Grey trailers with 'made in china' belong to one of the official reissues. Black trailers with 1992 are G2 trailers.
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