Packaging and Figure Guide:
- Card is hole punched in center (Originals are punched off center so the hung straight in store).
- The KO card is a KO of Outbacks "Prizes in disguise card" - the assortment number ends in .05 and it has the prize blurb on the battle scene.
- The KO card has outbacks bonnet just breaking the top grid line. Only his head should break the top gridline.
- Color Variants - #1 Yellow/gold body/legs/arms, #2 Yellow/Gold Legs and arms with Black body, #3 black legs/arms with cream/tan body, #4 Brown arms/legs with green body, #5 Yellow/Gold arms and body with green legs.
- Multicolored Outbacks often do not come with his gun.
- Multicolored KO Gears can be found on KO outback cards.